The Way to Price Custom Canvas Art Prints with Clients

The Way to Price Custom Canvas Art Prints with Clients

The Way to Price Custom Canvas Art Prints with Clients

Pricing custom canvas art prints is somewhat complex because it involves the balance between the monetary value of your artistic work and that of the client. The right price will cover your costs, allow you to make a profit, and reflect both the quality and uniqueness of your artwork. Here's how you may approach a proper pricing guide for your custom canvas art prints.

1. Know Your Costs

How to set up your price for custom canvas art prints
What do you charge? It all starts here with knowing how much your canvas art prints cost. This includes, but is not limited to:
Materials: Materials such as the actual cost of the canvas, paint, ink and everything else.
Time: Time used by you in the making of the art piece. That includes time spent on the actual painting, but also any extra time just for revisions, consultations, or communication with a client.
Framing and Finishing: Add framing or finer finishing touches to this price.
2. Establish your Market Rate

Market rates can be assumed as the standard to come up with a suitable and competitive pricing for your own custom canvas art print. Collect market rates for comparative custom canvas art prints, not forgetting the experience, style, and complexity of similar other artists' works. Research market price quotes on sites, galleries, and fairs.
3. Your Experience and Reputation

Your track record and reputation as an artist play a strong role in pricing. The stronger your portfolio and history of completely satisfied clients, the better you can command a higher price. The beginning artist may have to start at a lower rate just to build up his/her reputation and client list.

4. Determine Your Pricing Structure

There are many pricing structures you can use:

Per Square Inch: Price the piece based on the size of the canvas. One can use this method to standardize price for more extensive or smaller prints.
Tiered Pricing: This is based on aspects such as complexity and size plus any other elements involved in the artwork. The simple art may cost less, while the complex and detailed art piece would be pricier.
Flat Fee: Charge a set overall fixed price for custom canvas prints of a size or complexity level. This can simplify pricing for the client, but make sure it covers all potential costs.
5. Communicate The Value

When you are presenting your pricing to clients, be sure to communicate value. Here you discuss how much time and effort goes into creating, and the expertise that goes into making their particular custom piece. Point out in this light, any unique characteristics of your art that might compare favorably with others.
6. Additional Costs

Never forget to include additional charges like shipping, handling and perhaps taxes. State all these clearly in the proposal to price so that the client is not faced with any surprise.

7. Flexibility

Even though you may have a pricing structure, sometimes be ready to negotiate if the order is large or repeat. Being flexible by offering discounts for bulk purchases or good clients for long-term relationships building will help to repay you.

8. Keep Reviewing and Adjusting

You should also review and change your prices from time to time according to changes in costs, market conditions, and your own growth as an artist. Thus, the continuous updating of your prices will keep you competitive while receiving fair compensation for your work.

Considering and bearing in mind the above factors with a price that shows value for custom canvas art prints, you can surely have a profitable relationship with your clients.

Blog: The Way to Price Custom Canvas Art Prints with Clients

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