Layering Canvas Art Prints Over Other Wall Decor

Layering Canvas Art Prints Over Other Wall Decor

Layering Canvas Art Prints Over Other Wall Decor

Some art prints may be layered over many other types of wall decor, which really takes your space to a whole new level. Be it homogeneous or heterogeneous, master layering will make your walls almost like real galleries. And here is how to do it - how to layer canvas art prints over other wall decor.

1. Begin with a Focal Point Starting with a focal piece on the wall like a big canvas art print you want to center, hang that centerpiece at your eye level so that it anchors the rest of the wall decor. The focal point will drive how you layer other elements around it.

2. Mix Different Art Forms
Balance canvas prints with other wall decor for an interesting display. The combination can be of canvas prints and the framed photographs, vintage mirrors, or even some metal sculptures, among others. What matters is balancing the visual weight of each item. Do not overcrowd the space with too many elements of a similar style; instead, you want to strive at balance on different textures and styles.

3. Gallery Wall
A gallery wall is a great way to layer canvas art prints with other wall decor. Arrange your canvas prints with a variety of frames, prints, and objects stuck to the wall. Start by laying out the arrangement on the floor before committing to the wall. Mix up sizes and orientations for a more eclectic look, but make sure there's some kind of cohesive color palette or theme to tie everything together.

4. Have Fun Playing Layering Techniques
Layering doesn't always equal over-layering, or placing one thing on top of another. You might include overlay canvases or positioning smaller prints in front of larger ones. With floating shelves, you can layer decoration without putting holes in the wall. On shelves like these, you can place canvas prints, framed art, and decorative objects for a look which is stylishly multi-dimensional.

5. Consider Color and Style Coordination
Think about the way colors and styles work together when layering canvas art prints with other decor. Counteract bold-colored canvas prints with neutral or complementary items in the decor. For a more cohesive look, you can layer decor that harkens or contrasts with the colors of the artwork. With minimalist canvas prints, use textured wall hangings or colorful accents to build depth and interest.

6. Use Wall Space Wisely
Another good way to use up the wall space is through vertical layering. A big piece of art or a large print must be hung lower on the wall, and then all your smaller pieces of art or decor sit on top of it in sort of a layered look. This creates flow and makes the eye look upward, so the space will look bigger.

7. Introduce some textures and materials
Adding texture to your walls by layering canvas art prints with decor using varied textures and materials will really give your wall dimension. You can consider adding some woven tapestries or textured wall decals alongside your prints. Metallic elements or wooden frames give contrast but greatly add beauty as well.

8. Balance and Symmetry
As a matter of fact, eclectic interiors are very aesthetically appealing but with balance. Ensure symmetry in your layout so you do not end up having one side too heavily weighted. Balance a large piece with smaller accents to make it visually balanced.

Creating the possibility for much creativity and personalization in space, layering canvas art prints with other wall decor poses questions about color and texture and ways of mixing artistic forms to create a great and unique display that brings out your sense of style. While imagination is limitless, balance and harmony rule, so take some time and adjust and experiment until you find the ultimate combination.

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