How to Partner with Home Staging Companies to Sell Canvas Art Prints

How to Partner with Home Staging Companies to Sell Canvas Art Prints

 How to Partner with Home Staging Companies to Sell Canvas Art Prints

If you’re a canvas art print seller looking to expand your market reach, partnering with home staging companies can be a powerful strategy. Home staging companies are experts in preparing homes for sale, and they often need art to enhance their staging efforts. Here’s how you can successfully partner with these companies to boost your sales.

 1. Understand the Home Staging Industry

Before approaching home staging companies, it’s crucial to understand their needs and processes. Home stagers are focused on making homes look appealing to potential buyers. They often need artwork that complements various home styles, from modern and minimalist to traditional and eclectic. Familiarize yourself with current trends in home staging and what types of artwork are most popular. This knowledge will help you tailor your offerings to meet their specific needs.

 2. Create a Portfolio Tailored for Staging

Develop a portfolio of canvas art prints that aligns with the diverse styles used in home staging. Include a range of sizes, colors, and themes. Stagers often require neutral and versatile pieces that can easily fit into various décor schemes. Highlight how your art can enhance different types of interiors—whether it’s a cozy living room, a sophisticated dining area, or a bright and airy bedroom. Make sure your portfolio is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

 3. Reach Out to Home Staging Companies

Identify home staging companies in your area or those that operate on a national level. Reach out to them with a well-crafted pitch. Explain how your canvas art prints can enhance their staging projects and potentially increase the appeal of the homes they are showcasing. Offer to send samples or schedule a meeting to present your portfolio in person. Highlight any previous collaborations or success stories if you have them.

 4. Offer Flexible Terms

Home staging companies often work on tight budgets and timelines. Offering flexible terms can make your partnership more attractive. Consider providing discounts on bulk orders, offering rental options, or creating custom packages tailored to their needs. Flexibility in pricing and delivery can make it easier for staging companies to incorporate your art into their projects.

 5. Build a Strong Relationship

Once you establish a partnership, focus on building a strong, ongoing relationship. Provide excellent customer service, be responsive to their needs, and be open to feedback. A successful partnership is built on trust and reliability. Regularly check in with your contacts at the staging companies to keep your offerings top of mind and to discuss any upcoming projects.

 6. Promote the Partnership

Leverage the partnership to promote both your art and the staging company. Share case studies or success stories on your website and social media channels, showcasing how your canvas art prints have enhanced home staging projects. Collaborate on joint marketing efforts, such as blog posts, social media features, or events that highlight the benefits of your art in the staging process.

 7. Monitor and Adapt

Regularly assess the success of your partnership. Gather feedback from the staging companies and analyze sales data to understand what’s working and what might need adjustment. Adapt your offerings based on their input and changing market trends to ensure your art remains a valuable asset in their staging toolkit.


Partnering with home staging companies can be a mutually beneficial strategy to increase the visibility and sales of your canvas art prints. By understanding their needs, offering tailored solutions, and fostering strong relationships, you can effectively integrate your art into their staging projects and reach a broader audience. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your art in beautifully staged homes and watch your sales and reputation grow.

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