How to Create Video Commercials for Sale of Printed Canvas Art / Prints

How to Create Video Commercials for Sale of Printed Canvas Art / Prints

 How to Create Video Commercials for Sale of Printed Canvas Art / Prints

Probably one of the most effective ways that potential customers today become engaged in a digital world is through video advertisement. If you're selling canvas art prints, making exciting video ads will make your brand pop, show off your artwork, and help sell those exact same products. So if you're either an established artist or an owner of an online shop, here's how you can make some killer video ads to sell your canvas art prints most effectively.

 1. Video Ad Concept Planning
Record the perfect ad video only after you have conceptualized it clearly. Define the purpose of your video ad. Are you launching a new collection, highlighting the features of your canvas prints, or trying to announce a sale? Define a storyboard of the sequence that should be followed, ensuring you will catch the audience within the first few seconds in any case. You should start off strong on the introduction about your products, highlight them, and then close off with a very clear CTA, such as "Shop Now" or "Get Yours Today."

 2. Highlight the Quality and Detail
The quality of the artwork and craftsmanship is one of the strongest selling points of canvas art prints. Zoom in on the texture and details of the canvas material in your video ad. Show close-up shots of the artwork to really give emphasis on the colors, depth, and quality. Even make scenes from the process of printing in order to give people an idea of how the prints are done. This helps potential buyers appreciate what they are getting.

 3. Lifestyle Footage
To sell your canvas prints, use lifestyle shots that demonstrate how your canvas prints can enhance various spaces — living room, office, bedroom, and so on. That allows the customers to get ideas on how they can use your art in their homes. By showing your arts in stylish, well-lit environments, you make it easier for your viewers to see what your prints would look like in their space.

 4. Add Interesting Music And Voice Over
Music is a very powerful medium in setting the mood of your video. You can have lively or soft background music depending on the mood that you want to be portrayed. You can even talk about why you are inspired to make such artwork or why you should buy print on canvases from your company. An excited, clear voice can instill much trust and underline the value of your product.

 5. Mobile and Social Media Optimization
Most of them will probably see it through mobile or social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Therefore, make it as short as possible (15-30 seconds) and in a vertical or square format to fit the mobile view. The visuals and text should be legible also on smaller screens. When possible, add captions to get your message through even without sound.

 6. Strong Call to Action
Your video ad should never fail to end with a strong call to action that directs viewers to take further action. The possible action you might want your viewers to take is visiting your website, subscribing to your newsletter, or making a purchase. Ensure the CTA is displayed in an amicable manner and during the advertisement, include those links or discount codes to make it easier for customers to go and complete their purchases.

 7. Test and Analyze
Analyze the performance of your video ad after launching it. You track views, click-through rates, and conversion analytics for the video ad. Test different versions of a video. Use changing elements such as music or even a CTA of the variant for comparison. This would tell you what does not work and what works with your audience.

Production of video advertisements for selling canvas art prints requires careful thoughts and planning while executing it. So, by first putting emphasis on the quality of the product, utilizing lifestyle footage, optimization for mobile, and a strong CTA, you can create very engaging video ads that capture attention and stimulate sales. Tapping into the power of video marketing to display your canvas prints is the way to connect with art lovers around the world.

Blog: How to Create Video Commercials for Sale of Printed Canvas Art / Prints

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