How to Collaborate with Home Staging Companies to Sell Canvas Art Prints

How to Collaborate with Home Staging Companies to Sell Canvas Art Prints

How to Collaborate with Home Staging Companies to Sell Canvas Art Prints

If selling canvas art prints is the focus of your business, then collaboration with home staging companies might just be one of the best ways to increase sales and presence. Home staging is fast emerging as an expanding industry aimed at assisting real estate agents and homeowners stage their properties in the most effective manner. Since wall art creates an attractive atmosphere, it goes without saying that you will be working well with home stagers as a canvas art seller. Here's how you can establish profitable relationships and leverage those into business growth:

 1. Understand the Needs of Home Staging Companies

Before you meet up with a staging company, you should basically understand what they need. Stagers are mostly hired for the purpose of transforming the vacant or obsolete space into a livable space that will be attractive to various buyers. They often create a neutral yet great style that advances the home's architecture, thus bringing in a high variety of most qualified prospects for sale.

All these goals must be reflected in your canvas art prints. Choose versatile designs that can go well with different decor styles, such as modern, minimalist, or transitional pieces. Offering a diverse collection that can adapt to different color schemes and home styles will make you an appealing partner.

 2. Reach Out and Propose Value

When approaching home staging companies, speak more about how your prints can add value to their work. This includes explaining at greater detail why and how you think their audience can be visually enhanced by your products. From there you may discuss the high-quality, versatile products that can really make a space look more beautiful. Throw in exclusive discounts or special packages for stagers and you add flavor to your proposition.

Consider a partnership model by which you offer art prints on rent or discounted prices for the use of staging a home. Your artwork will be seen by potential buyers who would have loved to buy the art piece along with the house, but stagers only have to use it without having to buy full ownership.

 3. Case Studies or Testimonials

If you have a history of working with stagers or interior designers, share your triumphs. Case studies or testimonials from previous cooperations will prove credibility and attest to the impact created by you in staged homes. Quality pictures of your art on some of the best-staged homes will visually show how your art can enhance a space.

 4. Give Custom Solutions

Another way is through offering custom solutions. Depending on the project, some home staging projects might require artwork of certain dimensions, colors, or styles. If you can offer custom prints tailored for the staging project, you will become a more valuable partner to home stagers, who seek flexibility and personalization for the client's homes.

 5. Long-Term Relationships

Home staging firms will typically carry a dozen or more properties on their books in a single year, and so you may get repeat business. Building an ongoing, long-term relationship with home staging firms will likely help ensure you have a steady series of potential projects to collaborate on. Show them that you have a good working relationship by keeping your staging partners updated on what you're doing with new collections and that you are servicing your customers well.

Partnering with the home staging company is a good decision for any individual looking to sell more pieces of their canvas art prints. Get the needs of home stagers, adapt flexible solutions, and develop long-term relationships for creating a beneficial partnership between the business and the stager. In return, your beautiful pieces of canvas art will stand within the staged homes and eventually reach new people, increasing the chances of selling more.

Blog: How to Collaborate with Home Staging Companies to Sell Canvas Art Prints

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